Legends of the Galaxy is a Public RPG group. We are a Non-Profit, Community Driven Organized Play for the Star Wars Roleplaying system created by Fantasy Flight Games. There are many ways to support Legends of the Galaxy.
- Support Fantasy Flight Games and Star Wars rpg product line by purchasing Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, or Force and Destiny games at your favorite local game shop or at FantasyFlightGames.com
- Tell your friends about Legends of the Galaxy and help the Community Grow
- Become a Game Master and give your time by hosting events at your favorite local game shop
- Write an adventure module or submit story ideas to Legends of the Galaxy. Send your submissions for us to share with the community! Send to info@LegendsoftheGalaxy.com
- Create custom Star Wars artwork to feature with Legends of the Galaxy. Send to info@LegendsoftheGalaxy.com
- Donate to the GM Legendary Awards Program – Click Here